J - Below Riffelalp on the way to Zermatt
R - Schwarzsee
M - Gornergletscher valley
The gorge in the valley below the dam
N - Gornergletscher valley
Trees colonising the valley after the retreat of the glacier, the hydroelectric dam in the middle distance
H - Between Riffelalp and Furi
U - Zmutt from direction of Zermatt
Achillea erba-rotta ssp moschata (Musk Milfoil)
Achillea erba-rotta ssp moschata (Musk Milfoil)
Achillea erba-rotta ssp moschata (Musk Milfoil)
Achillea macrophylla (Large-leaved Yarrow)
Achillea millefolium agg. (Yarrow)
The pink flowers suggest A. millefolium;other features suggest A. collina or A. setacea - take your pick
Achillea millefolium agg. (Yarrow)
The pink flowers suggest A. millefolium
Achillea nana (Dwarf Yarrow)
Achillea nana (Dwarf Yarrow)
Achillea nana (Dwarf Yarrow)
Acinos alpinus (Alpine Calamint)
Acinos alpinus (Alpine Calamint)
Aconitum lycoctonum ssp vulparia (Wolf's-bane)
Adenostyles alliariae (Hedge-leaved Adenostyle)
Adenostyles allariae(Hedge-leaved Adenostyle)
Adenostyles leucophylla (White-leaved Adenostyle)